Second survey for AAL-service providers

Dear service provider!

Are you providing solutions (service, innovation, product) to people 65+ to support active and healthy ageing? Do you wish to share your good practice with peers?

The aim of this survey is to map current practices in data management among the service providers in the active and healthy ageing domain (AHA). The information collected by the survey will be used to create guidelines on the topic.

What’s in it for you? You will receive the aggregated results and contribute to improved know-how  that will be shared within the AHA community.

We invite you to take the survey, if you answer yes to at least 2 of the following points:

  • Your organization has developed an innovative solution for active and healthy ageing such as digital health or care solutions;
  • The end users are seniors (65 years or older), formal or informal caregivers or other organizations providing solution to end users;
  • Your service has been brought to market in at least one EU state, and you aim to scale it up and go outside your home market.

The Innovation Networks for Scaling Active and Healthy Ageing (IN-4-AHA) is a Coordination and Support Action funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme. The EU-funded IN-4-AHA project will enhance the uptake of digital innovations in active and healthy ageing.

Please submit your responses by July 30th, 2021.

Access it here:…

IN4AHA EIP on AHA Active and Healthy Ageing