Cyber Security and Resilience – the UA Experience


CONNECT University celebrating the European Cybersecurity Month


The European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) is the EU’s annual cybersecurity awareness campaign that takes place each October across Europe. In order to celebrate the 10th year anniversary of the campaign, CONNECT University is organising a special session: Cyber Awareness and Resilience: the Ukraine Experience.

Gradually we are all becoming more and more dependent on connected technology. The cyber ecosystem has been expanding much faster and cybersecurity is a crucial concern for us all. Cyber risks are near the top of the list of global threats worldwide, and consequently it’s also one of the EU’s priorities.

Even though it's one in which we have been investing for several years, and in parallel advance our protection systems, efforts will be successful only if we have the people who know how to use them. This is not just about the specialists - but includes all of us.


Cybersecurity awareness is an indispensable component of improving our cybersecurity. Thus to showcase this critical part with a real life example, we have invited Mr Oleksandr Potii – Deputy Chief of The State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine (SSSCIP). Mr Potii will give the Ukrainian’s on the ground perspective of the critical need of cyber awareness and resilience.




  • Moderated by EC Spokesperson : Johannes Bahrke
  • Mr Oleksandr Potii – Deputy Chief of SSSCIP
  • Ms Lorena Boix Alonso – Director DG CONNECT H Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity
  • Mr Juhan Lepassaar – Executive Director of the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, ENISA
cyber-security cybersecurity cyberespace Resilience cyberattacks EUstandswithUkraine