EUROCITIES Environment Forum meeting (Amsterdam, 4-6 April 2018)


The next EUROCITIES Environment Forum meeting will take place in Amsterdam from 4 to 6 April 2018, on the theme of ‘Towards circular cities: how to make it work’.  Participants will have the possibility to exchange best practices through roundtables and speed networking sessions, as well as attending site visits touching on several aspects of the circular economy transition.

The partnership will be presented during a "Climate session" organised on 3  April from 17:30 to 19:00. Participants (around 40 registered) will be invited to reflect on possible inputs to the partnership and how to use the partnership's outcomes for European or global climate advocacy.

The forum meeting is open only to EUROCITIES members.

More information is available on EUROCITIES website.


Amsterdam Climate Adaptation Eurocities Environment Forum