The Urban Partnership on Air Quality held a videoconference on 27 June to advance the Final Action Plan and to finalise the Position Papers. Thus, some key decisions were made, particularly regardingAction 1 (Identification of gaps in regulation and implementation on air pollutant emission sources)and the preparation of the Partnership’s Position Paper on the Fitness Check of the EU Ambient Air Quality Directives. Additionally, the Partnership members confirmed their interest in testing the set of indicators developed by Utrecht (Leader ofAction 4 [Better focus on the protection and improvement of citizens’ health]). Finally, in order to continue implementingAction 5 (Awareness raising and knowledge sharing), a webinar on the Communication Toolbox was announced next September 4th.
A new videoconference of the Partnership is expected on the 12th of September, whilst the next Partnership meeting in person is scheduled for 09 October in Brussels.
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- Air Quality Partnership Meeting