Challenges of Modern Healthcare after the COVID Pandemic: Digital transformation in elderly care (incl. AAL – Ambient Assisted Living)


In this Innovation Talks event on Digital Transformation & Healthcare, experts from various innovation sectors – business, R&D, policy, other EU initiatives – will share insights, exchange experiences and discuss potential responses to actual challenges in their respective fields.

Our keynote speaker Balázs Barta, CEO of Pannon Business Network (Hungary), will be joined by the following panel members:

 Paola Amar, CEO Macondolab, Colombia

 María Alejandra Saleme Daza, Coordinator of International Cooperation, EAFIT University, Colombia

 Alexander Nikolov, Project Manager –

 Sandra Saiz, EHealth Lead Manager, Innsomnia, Spain

 Gisela Garcia, Managing Director, Cluster Saúde de Galicia

 Luis Azevedo, Technology Management Specialist, Uruguay

 Marcus Figueredo, CEO HiLab, Brazil

 Simona Brezar, R&D Project manager, Caretronic, Slovenia

This event free of cost will be held ONLINE on the 4th May 2022 at 15.00-17.00 CET, 08.00-10.00 COT, 10.00-12.00 BRT.

No registration is required.

Agenda and event description on a dark blue background
digital innovation digital transformation