IN-4-AHA Webinar: Innovation scale-up process and model for the AHA field


We invite you to take part of the fourth and final workshop that is targeted to the scaling up process of new innovative solutions within active and healthy ageing domain. Within the past year the partners of IN-4-AHA project have engaged with different stakeholders in the field and several co-creation activities have been carried out and we are happy to present the innovation scale-up model for the field of active and health ageing together with an implementation roadmap. We will also share the innovation scale up playbook and the experience and challenges of scaling up process based on the work with five pilot companies

The innovation scale-up model and scale up playbook are aimed to support the service providers, innovators and reference sites in the scaling up process and business support organisation, clusters and living-labs when giving support and guidance to innovators.

Innovation end-users, reference sites, innovation specialists, technology, and service providers and business support organisation. We hope to see you all at the workshop to ask questions and engage into discussion during the workshop and send feedback after the session.


13:00 – 13:05 Introduction

Piret Hirv, Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol/Connected Health Cluster/IN-4-AHA project leader

13:05 – 13:20 Scaling up process and playbook: experience from piloting activities within IN-4-AHA project

Jari Handelberg, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Science

13:20 – 13:40 AHA innovation scale-up model and roadmap

Maarika Merirand, Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol

13:30 – 14:00 Discussion on the topic and questions from viewers

Maarika MerirandJari HandelbergPiret Hirv


IN-4-AHA Webinar: Innovation scale-up process and model for the AHA field
Aging and innovation roadmap scale-up scale-up model playbook